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레드벨벳 예리 사주보기

by zepl 2020. 5. 27.







양력 1999년 3월 5일

음력 1999년 1월 18일



○ 丙 丙 己 坤

○ 辰 寅 卯 命


안녕하세요. 셀럽사주입니다. 

레드벨벳 예리님의 사주를 알아보도록 하겠습니다. 










당신은 마음이 곱고 양심적이며 대체로 온화한 성격을 가지고 있고 슬기롭고 예절 바르며 위엄과 덕망을 골고루 겸비하고 있습니다. 두뇌가 총명하여 지식과 학문을 존중하며 기억력과 추리력이 우수해 학업에 취미가 있고 성적도 우수한 편입니다. 평소 명랑하고 낙천적인 성격의 소유자이며 너그러운 융통성과 항상 여유 있는 생활에 치중하는 편입니다. 

새로운 것을 창조하는 개척정신도 투철하고 실용과 실리에 온갖 노력을 아끼지 않는 것이 특징이며 무엇이든 잘 섭취하는 까닭에 건강에도 자신이 있습니다. 두목의 기질이 있어서 남을 다루는 데도 능수능란하며 통솔력도 뛰어난 편입니다. 마음 속에는 무궁한 지혜와 계획들이 숨어있지만, 정도가 지나치면 실패가 따르고 구설과 시비가 생기기도 하므로 어느 정도는 자제하고 조절을 잘 해야 합니다.

매사를 빈틈없이 처리하지만 보수주의자의 기질이 농후해서 완고하고 고지식한 부분이 있기도 합니다. 물이 흐를 때 나아가고 모일 때 멈췄다 다시 흐르는 것처럼 나갈 때와 멈추어 설 때의 시기를 잘 파악해야 일의 처리를 잘 할 수 있습니다. 절약하는 미덕이 아름다우며 남을 위하는 박애정신은 좋은 성품입니다. 일을 처리하는 과정에서 안정성만 갖춘다면 다른 사람들보다 배 이상 목표 달성의 속도가 빠를 것입니다.



당신은 상당한 준비와 계획으로 실천해 가는 사람입니다. 따라서 스스로 자기 자신을 진단하고 수시로 약점을 보완해 가려는 노력을 아끼지 않는 장점이 있습니다. 또한 평소에도 매우 부지런한 편이며 매사 활기차고 맺고 끊는 것이 분명한 화끈한 성격의 소유자 입니다.

이런 당신과 인연이 있는 남성은 다소 골격이 있는 체격에 저절로 복이 굴러들어올 것같이 복스러운 얼굴을 하고 있을 가능성이 크며, 실제로도 날씬한 남성보다는 건강하고 믿음직스러워 보이는 이성을 선호하는 면이 있는데, 자기 주장이 강하고 고집 센 남성과 인연이 되기가 쉽습니다.

이성에 대한 호기심이 강하고 멋있게 데이트를 즐길 줄도 알고 진한 데이트도 과감하게 시도하는 편입니다. 이성에 대해서 기대하는 심리가 강하며, 자신이 부족한 부분을 이성을 통해서 채우려고 하는 성향도 있습니다. 또한 선견지명이 있고 총명함도 보이지만, 이성과의 만남을 쉽게 생각하고 많은 남성을 만나거나 너무 깊이 빠져들어 큰 손해를 보기가 쉬우므로 자중하고 스스로 욕망을 다스릴 줄 알아야 합니다.



당신의 배우자는 어린아이같이 장난을 좋아하며 이리저리 핑계를 잘 대면서 어리광을 부리는 경향이 있습니다. 또한 변덕이 심하고 말도 안 되는 장난이나 고집으로 심통을 부리기도 하는데, 비록 그것이 못마땅하게 여겨지더라도 당신은 이를 엄마처럼 잘 받아주고 슬기롭게 대처해야 합니다. 

천성이 부지런하고 생활력도 강하므로 결혼한 후에도 집안일이나 가족에게 헌신을 다해 뒷바라지를 하며 누구보다 가족을 잘 지켜나갈 것입니다. 남편이 조금은 어리게 느껴지고 믿음직스럽게 보이지 않더라도 마찰을 일으킬 수 있는 일은 조심해서 미리 피해가도록 해야 합니다. 


당신은 영리하고 총명하며 항상 계획과 준비를 철저하게 해두는 타입이지만 절대 겉으로 드러내지 않고 태연한 척하는 사람입니다. 따라서 돈을 버는데 있어서도 사전에 치밀한 분석과 연구를 하고 착실히 준비를 하는 타입이며, 자신이 알고 있는 비밀이나 최신 정보를 절대 노출시키지 않고 있다가 많은 사람들을 놀라게 할 정도의 큰 돈을 버는 경우도 흔히 볼 수 있습니다.

돈을 벌면 적당히 풍요를 누리고 사람들에게 너무 인색하지 않아야 다시 돈이 들어오는 경향이 있는데, 실제로 천성이 어려운 사람을 돕는 박애정신을 가지고 있으므로 스스로 재물운을 돕는 경우가 많습니다. 평상시 돈에 대한 애착이 강하고 돈을 버는 방법이나 모으는 법에 대해서 상당한 관심을 보이며 절약정신 또한 강하므로 재물을 지키는 힘도 강한 편이라 할 수 있습니다.

특히 자신이 흥미를 가지고 있는 분야에서 돈을 벌고 싶어하는 욕구가 강하고 가능하다면 부동산과 같이 그리 위험성이 크지 않은 곳에 투자하고 싶어합니다. 돈을 벌 수 있는 새로운 루트가 꾸준히 생기고 재물이 마르지 않는 편인데, 다른 사람들의 말을 듣다 보면 좋은 아이디어가 떠오르거나 해결 방법에 대한 힌트를 얻는 경우가 많으므로 늘 경청하는 습관을 기르는 것이 좋습니다.



당신은 영리하고 총명하며 항상 만반의 준비와 계획을 세워두면서도 겉으로는 태연하게 그렇지 않은 것처럼 행동하는 스타일입니다. 곤란한 처지에 놓이더라도 수완이 뛰어나므로 말 몇 마디 만으로도 위기를 피해가는 수도 있습니다. 무슨 일을 하든지 활동적으로 책임감을 가지고 근면하게 일하므로 많은 사람들에게 인정을 받습니다.

인연이 있는 직업으로는 행정, 군인, 경찰 분야이며 토목, 건축, 식품, 수산, 농업, 생산, 도자기 등의 분야도 무난한 편입니다. 또한 종교와 관련된 곳에서 일하거나 종교인이 된다면 크게 성공할 수 있습니다. 대체로 주어진 업무에 대해서는 신속하게 일을 처리하고 목적 달성을 위해 최선을 다하며 사업이나 장사를 하기보다는 직장생활을 하는 것이 더 좋습니다.

마음에 드는 직업을 처음부터 가지게 된다면 성실하게 직장생활을 하며 크게 성공할 수 있습니다. 직업을 가지고 있으면서도 다른 공부를 하거나 깊게 학문적으로 파고드는 경우가 많으며, 새로운 것을 창조해내고 개척하는 정신이 강하므로 아이디어를 필요로 하는 부서나 연구분야에서 활동하는 것도 잘 어울릴 것입니다.

이상 레드벨벳 예리님의 사주였습니다. 
총명하고 창조적인 사주를 가진 예리님의 멋진 인생을 응원합니다.






Hello, I'm Celeb Saju.

Let's find out the fortune of Red Velvet's Yeri.


Yeri has a sweet, conscientious, generally mild personality, wise, courteous and well-mannered, and has both dignity and virtue.

She has a good brain, respects knowledge and learning, and has excellent memory and reasoning skills, so she has a hobby in her studies and good grades.

She is usually cheerful and optimistic and focuses on generous flexibility and a leisurely life.

She has a pioneering spirit of creating new things and is confident in her health because she eats everything well.

She is a leader, so she is good at handling others and has excellent leadership skills.

She has endless wisdom and plans hidden in her mind, but if she goes too far, she will fail and gossip and quarrels will arise, so she should refrain and control herself to a certain extent.

She handles everything thoroughly, but she also has a strong conservative temperament, so she is stubborn and stubborn.

She needs to know when to go and when to go and when to go and when to stop, as if to go out and when to get back together, so that she can handle things well.

She has a beautiful saving virtue and a benevolent spirit for others is a good character.

She will achieve her goal more than twice as fast as anyone else if she has stability in the process.

Lee Sung Woon

Yeri is a person who practices with considerable preparation and planning.

Therefore, she has the advantage of diagnosing herself and making efforts to supplement her weaknesses from time to time to time.

She is also a very diligent person and has a hot personality that is always lively and clear of making and breaking up.

Men who have such a relationship with her are more likely to have a rather skeletal frame and a blessed face, and in fact, they prefer a healthy, reliable looking opposite to a slim man, which is easy to be associated with a self-assertive and stubborn man.

She is curious about the opposite sex and knows how to enjoy the date in a cool way, and she also boldly tries to have a strong date.

She has a strong desire for reason, and she tends to fill in her shortcomings through reason.

She is also wise and intelligent, but she needs to be careful and self-regulate her desires because it is easy to meet many men or to lose a lot of money because she is too into them.


Yeri's spouse likes to play like a child and tends to be childish by making excuses around.

She is also capricious and has a heartache with outrageous jokes or stubbornness, and even if it is disapproved, you have to take it as well as your mother and deal wisely.

Yeri is diligent in nature and has a strong living ability, so even after marriage, she will take care of her family with all her heart and soul.

She should be careful not to cause friction, even if her husband doesn't seem a little young and reliable.

ash cloud

Yeri is smart and intelligent and always has a thorough plan and preparation, but she never shows up and pretends to be calm.

So she's the kind of person who makes a lot of money in advance, doing a lot of research, and making a lot of money to surprise a lot of people by never revealing secrets or up-to-date information that she knows.

Yeri enjoys a moderate amount of wealth when she earns money, and money tends to come back if she is not too stingy with people, but in fact, she has a philanthropic spirit that helps people in need, so she often helps them with wealth.

She is usually very attached to money and shows great interest in how to make money and how to save money, and also has a strong saving spirit, so she has a strong sense of saving money.

Yeri has a strong desire to make money, especially in the areas she's interested in, and if possible, she wants to invest in places that are not very risky, such as real estate.

She has a steady stream of new ways to make money and her wealth doesn't dry up, but listening to others often brings up good ideas or hints on solutions, so it's good to always develop a habit of listening.

rectal rhyme

Yeri is smart and intelligent and always makes preparations and plans, but she acts as if she is not.

Even if she is in a difficult situation, she is so skillful that she can avoid the crisis with just a few words.

Whatever she does, she is recognized by many people because she works hard with responsibility.

Among the jobs you have ties to Yeri are administration, military, and police, and the fields of civil engineering, architecture, food, fisheries, agriculture, production, and ceramics are also easy.

Also, she can be very successful if she works in religious places or becomes a religious person.

In general, she is better off at work than doing business or doing business, doing her best to get things done quickly, and achieving goals.

If Yeri gets her favorite job from the beginning, she can work hard and succeed greatly.

She has a job, but she often studies other things or dig deeply academically, and because she has a strong spirit of creating and pioneering new things, she will also be well suited to work in departments or research fields that require ideas.

That was Red Velvet Yeri's fortune.
I support Yeri's wonderful life with a bright and creative fortune.


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